Recommendations to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 in public spaces

At Delfines Hotel & Convention Center, we want to add and provide information that will help millions of Peruvians to take care of the new coronavirus. In recent months, we have seen that the economic reactivation in Peru has allowed many people to once again go to work and carry out activities that expose them to Covid-19. In this article, we provide you with some important recommendations to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 in public spaces such as work, transportation or even in markets.

Remember the proper use of protective equipment

In many parts of Latin America, we were not used to wearing masks. However, Covid-19 has forced us to use masks, which allow us to take care of others. Also, in Peru, we have been encouraged to wear face shields that help mitigate the spread. But, you will not have greater security if we do not use it correctly. Therefore, remember that you should use the mask at all times, and avoid touching it.

Comply with social distancing

Many companies have taken new steps to comply with social distancing. For example, we observe that in hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, they are placing circles up to 1.5m apart on the ground, to avoid agglomeration. However, we must comply with this recommendation at all times, whether at work, on the street, among others.

Simple actions that will make a difference

There are simple actions that will help us make a difference and fight this new virus. For example, we have been recommended to avoid touching our eyes or nose, u.sing tissues when sneezing, using antibacterial alcohol to kill germs when we touch a surface, washing hands, among others. Despite being simple actions, they will help us mitigate the virus in public spaces.

Frequent hand washing

Without a doubt, this new virus has increased hand washing. This is because Covid-19 can be present on any surface, and proper hand washing will be essential to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. We must wash our hands:

  • Before and after going to the bathroom.
  • Before touching your face.
  • When we have manipulation with bills and coins.
  • When we touch handles or surfaces within public transportation. 
  • After handling the mask and face shield.
  • Before and after eating.

Avoid being in groups or crowded places

We must not lower our guard. Although the reactivation is taking place little by little, people began to make purchases or go out, without taking proper care. Therefore, we avoid being in groups or in crowded places, where the probability of contagion is even higher.

Covering your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing

Always carry a tissue or tissues when you sneeze or cough. This action will help the saliva particles to concentrate only on the tissue, but be careful where you dump this waste. Ideally, remove it to the bin as soon as possible.

Opening of restaurants and hotels in Peru

Let us remember that all the aforementioned actions, and those provided by the MINSA, will help us to take better care of everyone's health. At Delfines Hotel & Convention Center, we are taking all sanitary measures to take care of all our clients. In addition, this will allow us to be ready for the next reopening of our restaurants, providing a quality service. Contact us if you need more information about all the protocols we are taking.