What does the All Inclusive service include in a 5-star hotel in Lima?

Visiting a new country for an important meeting, tourism or event brings with it having to find out the right place, not only for your stay, but also for food and entertainment. In this long search not all of us find a place that offers us a complete service and a good travel package. For this reason, most of us must resort to various places to satisfy our needs.

On the other hand, we are not informed of what an All Inclusive Service provides us and how it could save us time. Today, we tell you what an all-inclusive travel package in a 5-star hotel in Lima offers you and why you should choose it

What facilities does the All Inclusive service offer?

This all-inclusive travel package offers you the following facilities and benefits:

Rooms & Suites

The rooms have what is necessary for your stay, as well as the services it provides, direct attention to the bedroom. The staff gives you complete cleaning help, delivery with dishes on the menu and others, without the need to leave the room, just with a call using the telephone line that the hotel offers you.

Unlimited restaurant and dishes on the menu

Ideal to enjoy a gastronomic experience. This service offers you an exquisite variety of gourmet cuisine, mostly you will find variety in national and international dishes. The exclusive restaurants in a 5-star hotel in Lima offer a buffet service, snack, brunch and à la carte dishes.


The most luxurious 5-star hotels in Lima also offer the wine service and bars, so you can enjoy your favorite cocktail in a modern and elegant environment. At the same time, events with the best music and live bands. It is the right environment for an after office or a moment of relaxation and entertainment.


The gym at the hotel has a wide opening hours so that you can exercise and lead a healthy life. Spending your days in a new place is not synonymous with avoiding exercise. The best machines, implements and coach will allow you to carry out an adequate routine for the hours you require.

Executive Lounge

Our Executive Lounge is available for an afternoon of reading, calls or organizations. You can spend a quiet moment working on your responsibilities with personalized attention. An Executive Lounge also offers brunches, snacks and light dinners for you to spend a comfortable moment.

Relaxation services

Places like a Sauna, Spa or a Beauty Salon will not only allow you to relax, but also give you the attention you deserve with the respective care. The stress of travel, cultural change and adaptation to a new environment can take you out of your comfort zone. However, it is not necessary to go through some changes in your routine because the hotel can offer you the necessary services to make you feel at home.or algunos cambios en tu rutina porque el hotel puede ofrecerte los servicios necesarios para que te sientas como en casa.

Parking lot

During your stay you will not have problems if you have a vehicle because it will be totally safe located in the parking lot. You can also have a manager who will receive you upon arrival and place that in the space indicated. In this way, you will have time to settle in the room.

Recommendations for choosing an All Inclusive service

This service is very popular, but not always the chosen one. You should evaluate that you can save not only time, but also money. By purchasing this package, you will not need to continue paying later as you will have everything you need included and you will only take advantage of these benefits.

At Delfines Hotel & Convention Center, you can find the best All Inclusive service of a 5-star hotel in Lima to be the best of your stay. With the most outstanding restaurants and bars of Lima, the best entertainment and relaxation rooms you can have a unique stay, but above all without worries. Contact us to give you more information about our service and reservations.